Pre-Pack Ice Cream
This ready-to-eat ice cream platform provides a canvas for creativity. Scoops® and Big Slice® make signature desserts and snacks a convenient, easy, affordable and profitable option with simple additions.
Real Ice Cream - Back of House Efficiency
Our pre-packed product line helps you build profits by streamlining dessert production and reducing waste in the kitchen. Pre-portioned Scoops® and Big Slice® offer cost-effective bases for building amazing signature dessert creations, like ice cream sandwiches, fizzy floats, shakes, cake and pie a la mode. With minimum prep work and more consistent sizing, you'll spend less time crunching numbers and more time earning sustainable profits for your operation. Finally, there is a great way to serve real ice cream.

Pre-Packed Benefits
Process Eliminator - ".45 second eliminator"
• Consistency/portion control
• Labor/overhead savings (eliminate pre portion)
• Waste savings
• Time savings
• No equipment breakdowns
• No equipment clean up (save an hour)
• Food security (reduce cross contamination)
Great Food
• Robust texture handle baked goods on top
• Unique look for plating (other expansion ideas)
• Better sensory experience - high butter fat
• Real ice cream